
Download project gg
Download project gg

  • After you’ve noticed, it’s the time to return back into Project Explorer that should show your project structure.
  • Once you clicked Finish, the process of creation Grails project has been started, as you would see in the console of your Grails Suite.
  • You may be asked for enabling the Grails view perspective, if you would like that, just accept by clicking yes.
  • Once you’ve reached into the below screen, just finish and you are about to getting a full-featured Grails project in your environment.
  • Configure the Grails installation by clicking the link “Configure Grails Installation” and from the preferences add the Grails that installed in the Grails Introduction Tutorial.
  • For project name we’ve typed Grails-HelloWorldApplication.
  • Type into the project name and configure Grails installation.
  • From Wizard opened, expand the Grails node and choose Grails Project.
  • download project gg

    Right click into the Project Explorer scope and choose New.Follow the below steps for creating the project. It’s time for creating a Grails project using suite installed. Setting up your workspace and click okay.Click next and setup shortcut and click next and finally finish for launching the suite.Wait a while for finishing the installation.We will use JDK 1.7 located at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55. Inside the JDK window, browsing your installed JDK.Inside the packs window, just click next.In case, you’ve not created that directory, you will be notifying about the directory that will be created.For our installation we’ve used D:\Grails\sprinsource. Click next and choose the installation path.Click next and accept the listed terms and terms.Start the installation of the executable file by double clicking on it.See Grails introduction that shows you the installation process. Make sure that you have installed the Grails platform into your machine.Installing Groovy/Grails suite could be done through the following steps: This tutorial has assumed that you’re already having Grails platform installed into your machine as well as the grails special command is working on the console.

    download project gg

    That suite is packaged with the Groovy-Eclipse plugin for syntax highlighting and auto completion of Groovy code, and robust support for Grails artifacts. It’s STS based (Spring Tool Suite) that’s based on Eclipse.

    download project gg

    Groovy / Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) provides the out of the box integration for the Grails application development.

    Download project gg