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copy the coordinates link to paste it anywhere you like. send a precise location through email or a message (iMessage, SMS),. You can also send your current location or any other point in the map. *seismos is the greek word “σεισμός” that means earthquake It senses and translates movements into the four most used earthquake intensity scales in the world: It can alarm you at night and can save you important seconds to act as planned on an earthquake. In addition, this app gives you flashlight tools, designed for finding things at emergency situations. Speed: Knots, Miles per Hour, Kilometers per Hour, Meters per Second. Altitude: Feet, Miles, Nautical Miles, Meters, Kilometers. Full Location Info (Address, Coordinates).
It shows you all the necessary information all in one place and one screen. Can share an exact location everywhere by using coordinates
Can alarm and save crucial seconds when an earthquake occurs - especially during sleeping, It gives you important location information, WHO IT’S FOR :: Everyone in move, by Car, Airplane or Boat WHAT IS IT :: A Navigation & Emergency Multitool Always in Pocket